Stand der Daten: 2023-11-30

Emission in short (2022)

Sector/Activity Number of facilities Releases
Energy sector
Installations for the manufacture of coal products and solid smokeless fuel 3
Mineral oil and gas refineries 24
Coke ovens 4
Installations for gasification and liquefaction 2
Thermal power stations and other combustion installations > 50 MW 204
Coal rolling mills > 1 t/h 3
Metal industry
Ferrous metal foundries >20 t/d 133
Metal ore (including sulphide ore) roasting or sintering installations 0
Processing of ferrous metals (hot-rolling mills > 20 t/h;hammers >50 kJ and > 20 MW Wl;protective fused metal coats > 2t/h) 2
Production or the smelting of non-ferrous crude metals > 20 t/d or > 4 t/d Pb and Cd 17
Prod. of non-ferrous crude metals from ore, concentrates or secondary raw materials 16
Processing of ferrous metals with application of protective fused metal coats > 2t/h 113
Processing of ferrous metals with smitheries with hammers >50 kJ and > 20 MW Wl 3
Smelting, including the alloying,of non-ferrous metals,including recovered products > 20 t/d or > 4 t/d Pb and Cd 169
Processing of ferrous metals with hot-rolling mills > 20 t/h 20
Surface treatment of metals and plastic materials using an electrolytic or chem.process >30 m³ 495
Prod. of pig iron or steel (primary or second.melting) including continuous casting > 2,5 t/h 29
Mineral industry
Prod. cement clinker >500 t/d in rotary kilns or prod. lime >50 t/d in rot. kilns or >cement clinker and lime > 50 t/d in other kilns 9
Melting mineral substances, including the production of mineral fibres > 20 t/d 6
Underground mining and related operations 28
Production of lime in rotary kilns > 50 t/d 3
Production of asbestos and the manufacture of asbestos-based products 0
Manufacture of glass, including glass fibre >20 t/d 58
Production cement clinker or lime in other furnaces > 50 t/d 13
Manufact. ceramic products >75 t/d or kiln capacity >4 m³ and setting density >300 kg/m³ 66
Production of cement clinker in rotary kilns > 500 t/d 26
Opencast mining and quarrying > 25 ha surface 21
Chemical industry
Production of nitrogenous hydrocarbons 14
Production of explosives and pyrotechnic products 14
Production of acids 3
Production of salts 26
Production of surface-active agents and surfactants 9
Production of sulphurous hydrocarbons 4
Prod. of basic plant health products and of biocides 8
Production of simple hydrocarbons 14
Production of basic plastic materials 102
Production of phosphorus-containing hydrocarbons 3
Production on an industrial scale of basic inorganic chemicals 41
Production of oxygen-containing hydrocarbons 63
Prod. on chemical or biological process for prod. of basic pharmaceutical products 42
Production of non-metals, metal oxides or other inorganic compounds 42
Production of bases 1
Production of dyes and pigments 13
Production of phosphorous-, nitrogen- or potassium-based fertilisers 6
Production of halogenic hydrocarbons 5
Production of gases 7
Production of organometallic compounds 15
Production of synthetic rubbers 5
Chemical installations for the production on an industrial scale of basic organic chemicals 143
Waste and waste water management
Installations for the incineration of non-hazardous waste > 3 t/h 102
Urban waste-water treatment plants > 100 000 population equivalent 215
Installations for the disposal or recycling of animal carcasses and animal waste > 10 t/d 20
Installations for the disposal of non-hazardous waste > 50 t/d 224
Independently operated industrial waste-water treatment plants > 10 000 m³/d 8
Landfills > Receiving 10 tonnes per day or with a total capacity of 25 000 tonnes 156
Installations for the recovery or disposal of hazardous waste > 10 t/d 1286
Paper- and wood industry
Production of pulp from timber or similar fibrous materials 3
Industrial plants for the preservation of wood and wood products with chemicals > 50 m³/d 4
Production of paper and board and other primary wood products > 20 t/d 144
Intensive livestock production and aquaculture
Installations for the intensive rearing of poultry or pigs>40 000 places for poultry>2 000 places for pigs>750 places for sows 80
Installations for the intensive rearing> 40 000 places for poultry 149
Installations for the intensive rearing >750 places for sows 71
Installations for intensive rearing>2 000 places for production pigs (over 30kg) 213
Intensive aquaculture > 1 000 t/a fish or shellfish 0
Food industry
Slaughterhouses > 50 t/d 70
Prod. food and beverage products from animal raw materials >75 t/d or vegetable raw materials >300t/d 11
Prod.of food and beverage products from vegetable raw materials > 300 t/d 126
Prod.of food and beverage products from animal raw materials > 75 t/d 59
Treatment and processing of milk > 200 t/d 88
Other industry
Production of carbon or electro-graphite 10
Tanning of hides and skins > 12 t/d 2
Surface treatment of substances, objects or products using organic solvents >150 kg/h or >200 t/a 247
Pre-treatment (washing, bleaching, mercerisation) or dyeing of fibres or textiles > 10 t/d 13
Building of, and painting or removal of paint from ships > 100 m long 23
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