Status of data: 2023-11-30 Back to Emmission in short

2022 - Emission of pollutants for Activity:
Chemical installations for the production on an industrial scale of basic organic chemicals: Nitroge

Pollutant amount in kg/year

Pollutant Release to air Release to water Release to soil Waste water
Carbon dioxide (CO2) 222,000,000 0 0 0
Chlorides (as total Cl) 0 0 0 6,660,000
Chromium and compounds (as Cr) 0 0 0 51
Nickel and compounds (as Ni) 0 31 0 99
Nitrogen oxides 350,000 0 0 0
Phenols (as total C) 0 0 0 3,480
Sulphur oxides (SOX) 767,000 0 0 0
Total organic carbon(as total C or COD/3) (TOC) 0 0 0 327,000
Zinc and compounds (as Zn) 0 3,867 0 116
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